In the first mini-season of Waffles Friends Work, we’ll be talking about living our values. Starting with an overview on how to figure out what your values are and then looking at how we can be true to those values in each area of our life, by the end of the series you’ll come away with a good sense of your own values and how you can live in alignment with those values for yourself, in your relationships, and at work.
In the first episode of Waffles Friends Work, Kara and Jensie set the table for a rich season-long discussion of personal values. After convincing you that articulating your personal values is a worthwhile endeavor, they give some ideas on how to actually figure out what your values are.

How does knowing your values improve your self-care? In this episode, Kara and Jensie make the case that knowing your values is self-care and finding ways to honor them makes your self-care practice much more effective. Join them to get some ideas on how to incorporate your own values into how you show up for yourself. 

Showing up for ourselves and in our values can have a profound impact on our relationships. By knowing who we are, we allow the people in our lives to love us as we are, not as who we think they want us to be. And, in turn, gives us the perspective to love those around us as they want to be loved. 

Living your values at work can be really tricky! Between navigating coworker relationships, leading a team, and even feeling comfortable and safe in your workplace, work can really be the “testing ground” for your values. Learn some ways to identify self-betrayal at work and how to course correct when needed.

In the final episode of the season, Kara and Jensie give a full round-up of personal values and how they impact the ways we show up for ourselves, in our relationships, and at work. From starting small to doing it anyway, they run through some of the highlights of the season with a reminder that there is no such thing as balance.

Catch up with Kara and Jensie a couple of months after they recorded the first 5 episodes. They have some thoughts and experiences to share after thinking through personal values. And learn how “slippery behaviors” can help you identify where you’re starting to veer off the path of living your values. 

By aligning your goals with your values, you’ll have more success in completing those goals. Why? Because when you anchor those goals in who you are and what really resonates with you, you’ll focus those goals on things that YOU want.

Holidays are stressful, but they don’t have to be. By taking some time to make sure your holiday activities align with your values and what you value, you can save yourself some time, energy, money, and frustration. We have some ideas to help.

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